Zippity Doo Dah

My, oh my, what a wonderful day….

Or a crazy scary day, depending on your feelings.

Because….I went zip lining…

My sister-in-law and a girlfriend of hers came to visit us in Barbados last week, and this was one of the things they wanted to try when they were here. So Ian booked Friday off of work, and we drove out to Aerial Trek Zipline Adventures  in the Jack-in-the-Box Gully.

The guides were very funny and certainly very professional, they didn’t even laugh at me after I got all suited up. Trust me, those harnesses are not a flattering look.

Ian went first, showing us how brave he was, sigh…

Kimberley demonstrating what to do if you brake too soon, and don’t quite reach the platform, look at those biceps!

I was too scared to look down, so the scenery shots are looking out. We were quite high up.

 There are 8 platforms placed up in the canopy of trees with the highest one over 100 feet in the air! The longest cable is close to 300 feet, while the whole trip is over 1000 feet long.

What, you didn’t think I would do it!

I actually loved it and would even try it again, (but I NEVER looked down).

26 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Diane said,

    Way to go Deb!!! That’s incredible…..brave woman 🙂

  2. 3

    Amazing, you are a lot braver than I am, well done you , I think you will be taking all your visitors now !

  3. 5

    carolflett said,

    I showed my grandkids and they thought it looked like fun. They have always wanted a zip line of their own – not quite as high or scary as that one though.

  4. 7

    Barbara H. said,

    What an adventure – you are a brave woman. But then we knew that from your rooftop garden shots.

  5. 9

    Bridget said,

    Oooh! Not for me…there’s one in our local forest park and I’ve never been on it. Good on ya though for going for it!

  6. 11

    You are very brave. I went ziplining in Panama on a much longer and higher course in the mountains. Once I got over the idea of it, I was able to look around and enjoy it. However, I did arrive at a platform to find a fellow zipliner whom I didn’t know clinging to the tree and having a nervous breakdown. I had to convince the guide, who wasn’t very sympathetic, to let the person climb down and walk the several miles back to home base. What an experience.

  7. 13

    You are brave. I could not do that as if I looked down I would freak.

  8. 15

    Jennie Sivyer, England said,

    Well done! I feel queasy just looking at the photos – heights are my biggest phobia. Had no choice but walk across a rope bridge once when in Australia – I do not know to this day how I got across.

  9. 17

    Good Job! I think playing Tarzan, or I should say Jane would be fun, but scary! You are brave!

  10. 19

    Bravo! It’s that first leap of faith as you let go of the platform and rely on the cable. But once you get over that, it’s an awesome experience. And there is nothing like seeing the rainforest from a higher perspective.

  11. 21

    Marguerite said,

    I can’t even imagine trying this but if I had to I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t look down either!

  12. 23

    Yikes…you’re braver than me. I admit though, it does look like fun 😉

  13. 25

    I have ALWAYS wanted to do that!!! Looks like a blast!

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