BHS Garden Show

Yes, I am finally home from The Bahamas, and I had been going to share some of my experiences there, but the Barbados Horticultural Society Garden Show was on this weekend, and as I was away on Saturday, I thought that I had better visit on Sunday, the last day.  My friend David was in from St. Lucia, so Ian was happy, (he was spared the experience), and we drove to the show early in the morning. And a good thing it was too, the heavens opened up in the afternoon and it would not have been a pleasant experience.

David taking a photo of the Bismarck Palm, Bismarckia nobilis, my favourite palm, (and his too)!

These two beautiful Clerodendrons were right at the entrance, one a shrub, and the other, the “Bleeding Heart’ vine.

Cleradendron quadriloculare

Clerodendron thomsoniae

This is not a ‘garden’ show like Chelsea or Canada Blooms, no display gardens to visit, but they had some lovely plant, veg and flower displays in the buildings.

 And certainly lots of plant vendors outside, you could find almost anything you wanted. Although I am greedy, I restrained myself, the terrace is not that large, and I am sure Ian appreciates being able to walk around it, so I just purchased a few herbs.

I loved how a lot of the cut flowers in the competition were displayed against a black background, it certainly set them off for photos.

Such great colours in the hibiscus.

I remember when the red seemed to be the only colour you could purchase, now look at them,

 the plant hybridizers have certainly been busy.

And look at the display by the Barbados Orchid Society

 it makes me want to go out and buy a ton of orchids, of course Ian would kill them while I am in Canada, that would be a problem, and not to be able to bring them back,  would break my heart.

Epc. Rene Marques

Such amazing varieties.

I am sure that Barry would appreciate this table more than I do, maybe next year he can be here for the show.

I have always had a thing for caladiums, they certainly did very well on my terrace in Toronto

Caladium 'White Wing'

 And look at some of these lovely varieties, maybe when I return home, I shall purchase some of these.

This plant blew me away,

Strelitzia Nicholai

 I love the combo of dark and light, had a black and white garden, dogs, and bedroom when I lived in Kingston. I can envision all kinds of floral designs I could come up with around this flower, Strelitzia Nicholai.

Another plant I have always wanted to try growing are bonsai

Ficus phillipiensis

 however, driving back and forth every weekend between Toronto and Kilbourne Grove, made them very impractical for that lifestyle. But when I am retired….

But, in my mind, I have saved the best for last, the floral design. Although there were a lot of beautiful arrangements, I loved the all green. When I was designing, you arranged your greenery first.

There are so many beautiful ones,the arrangement could be wonderful on its own,  sometimes I didn’t even want to add flowers.

33 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    What a wonderful selection of beautiful flowers, so different to what we can grow here and so tempting to buy!! Love the foliage arrangments at the end, with leaves like that, who needs flowers?!

  2. 3

    Is the Strelitzia nicolai a new dwarf hybrid? They can easily dwarf a two storey house!
    That last picture is a fresh green interpretation of scarecrow, with glorious striped pantaloons – more of a carnival in Venice costume ;~)

  3. 5

    Nell Jean said,

    Love tropicals. Strelitzia is small in my garden.

  4. 7

    All that and sunshine too!

  5. 9

    Barry P. said,

    Hi Deborah,
    That’s done it!
    After seeing this, I’ll definitely be in Barbados next year.

  6. 11

    That white orchid is gorgeous. Maybe just one or two to keep you company while you are there!

  7. 13

    Wow is all I can say. What gorgeous and many unusual flowers. The Caladiums are so colorful as are the orchids.

  8. 15

    Indie said,

    How fun! I absolutely love that last caladium, the pink one with the green border. The hibiscus are so pretty, too!

  9. 17

    debsgarden said,

    A real treat for a plant lover! The orchid display is fabulous. It made me happy just looking.

  10. 19

    I have a love of caladiums and hibiscus too. You must have had such a wonderful time enjoying all of the flowers as you escaped the cold weather. Although it has been a warmer than normal winter season here in Michigan, your beautiful photographs catch me yearning for spring!

    • 20

      It is amazing to be surrounded by such beautiful tropical flowers all year. That said, I actually miss the seasons, (and I even miss the snow), and look forward to returning to my garden in the spring, so I am yearning for it too.

  11. 21

    So much to dream about! When I go to these shows I make lists and lists of plants to add to my garden. Thanks for sharing…so much beauty!

  12. 23

    Marguerite said,

    Wonderful photos, what a great time you must have had. I love the display of orchids. So many outrageous blooms, I could have spent hours there just admiring those.

  13. 25

    garden muses said,

    Thank you sending a blast of colour and texture our way, you’re our antidote for the February blues!

  14. 27

    Anna said,

    What a glorious display of colour and no doubt some intoxicating scent too. Good to have a like minded friend to go round a show with too rather than a partner dragging their heels 🙂

  15. 29

    andrea said,

    That is certainly a lovely tropical garden show. I love most especially those caladiums, the hibiscus are pretty but we have them here too. Our Philippine Horticultural Society garden show is also ongoing and i’ve been there last Saturday. The Philippine Orchid Society show will be next month, so i am very happy the sites are just near my office, so i can sneak out for 2 hours. I believe we have the same climate with Barbados.

  16. 31

    Wonderful collection of plants. The Epc. Rene Marques is beautiful.

    Looking forward to reading more in the coming weeks!

  17. 33

    […] visited the Barbados Horticulture Society Garden Show for the first time. What beautiful […]

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