Happy 100!!!!

Wow, I made 100! How is this possible? I know they are very long lived in my dads family, but 100?

OK, I did not turn 100 years old, but this is my 100th  post!

When I started this blog, last June, I never thought that I would be writing my 100th post. I did not think that even I had that much to say, and I know that I am a bit of a motormouth.

I have had so many lovely messages, of praise, comfort and support, that I want to show some love back.

I am going to send this lovely book, John Brooks to a lucky reader. I have learned so much from this iconic English garden designer. He is a legend in his own time, sure to join such historical figures as Lanning Roper,  and Sylvia Crowe (who he worked for).

If you leave a comment on this post before February  22nd  I will make a draw from all the names entered.

I also want to show some love and support  to some new bloggers out there. Jodi has had some very interesting and thought provoking posts lately. I remember how excited I was the first time I found a comment from someone other than my friends or family. I was amazed that anyone would find my garden interesting.

Quite a few bloggers are drawing attention to newbies at Blotanical, and I would also like to. Two blogs have really caught my attention over the month they have been with Blotanical, and I do not think that they are getting enough attention.

Gardening Asylum is a blogger after my own heart. We seem to have a very similar approach, especially when it comes to getting out the spray paint,lol. And Garden Shoots: A landscape Designer Branches Out is constantly giving me new ideas, a very dangerous thing. Melissa has an amazing eye for the beautiful. To top it off, both of them mention two of my favourite gardens on their to visit list, Les Quatre Vents and The Laskett.

Please take the time to check out these two great blogs, you won’t be sorry!

62 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    Edith Hope said,

    Dear D, I am so pleased for you. 100 postings is quite something. And they are particularly something, as I know from the experience of reading them, that they are well written, carefully crafted, and full of both useful and entertaining content. And they have, most often, alluring pictures [but best I do not dwell on those!!].

    From the outset of my joining Blotanical, you have been a constant source of encouragement and support. I value this hugely as I also value the lively dialogue, debate and exchange of ideas which exists between us. I shall look forward to your next centenary.

  2. 3

    fairegarden said,

    Hi Deborah, well done! Remember, it is not just quantity, but quality, and as Edith has said so succinctly, your posts are of the highest caliber! I am pleased to see those newer bloggers mentioned too. Such a good idea. I know Garden Asylum and Garden Shoots already, and wholeheartedly support them! 🙂

  3. 5

    Teza said,


    And I was just about to nip over and add a caption under your photo on the February posting….. but in all seriousness, 100 posts! Hurray!

    As E gives credit to the fact, they have all been very thoughtful, well written, and indeed thought invoking in thier entirity, and I have so enjoyed your wonderful sense of humour and company as a cohort of our Forum. You bring with you a sparkle and vivaciousness that brings a smile to my face. Certainly the next centenary will fly by for you, after all a new garden season is upon us! Many happy future postings my friend!

  4. 7

    miss m said,

    Happy 100th, Deborah ! Here’s a toast to the next 100 !

  5. 9

    gardeningasylum said,

    Happy 100th – you are such a sparkling presence out there in Blogobotanical land! Merci beaucoup aussi for the shout out! Cyndy

  6. 11

    Sunny said,

    Wow, as I started reading that post, I was thinking. Wow this is amazing a 100 year old blogger. Congratulations on your 100th post, and may you have many more:)

  7. 13

    Jim Groble said,

    Happy birthday . jim or blogday or something like that. Congratulations. jim

  8. 15

    Jean said,

    Congratulations on reaching 100, Deborah — definitely an achievement worth celebrating! -Jean

  9. 17

    Great job, Deborah. You’re an inspiration to those of us who struggle with keeping up with everything. You work full time, run two homes, garden like crazy and still find time to blog and comment on other’s. Keep up the terrific posts. You have many fans and I’m one of them!

  10. 19

    Kate said,

    Congrats on the blogging milestone. 🙂

  11. 21

    Congratulations, that’s quite an achievement! I’m hoping to rollover 50 this week. Well done!

  12. 23

    Meredith said,

    Congratulations on your achievement! Isn’t blogging turning out to be a wonderful adventure? 🙂

    • 24

      Meredith, I never thought that I would enjoy blogging so much, I orginally thought that it would be a garden/house journal for myself and distant family and friends. It has become so much more!

  13. 25

    Congratulations! Your blog is looking very good – must be all the greens 😉

    Really, it is pleasure to see Green Theatre hit the 100 mark – I’ve enjoyed it very much and will continue to look forward to many more posts.

  14. 27

    deborah, congratulations on your 100th post…you did that in less than a year, which many do not;-) plus, you put a lot of thought and info. into your posts, whereas many of mine are photos with my own narrative but not necessarily informative or helpful. thanks for drawing attention to some more new bloggers. i still remember being new…it was just over a year ago when i joined blotanical. jan

    • 28

      Jan, first thank you for the multitude of compliments, I am very appreciative.
      I cannot get over the number of new bloggers at Blotanical, it seems they are joining fast and furious. I am very glad to see that you are posting again.

  15. 29

    Happy 100th, quite an accomplishment!! Looking forward to the next 100! 🙂 Rebecca

  16. 31

    Barbara H. said,

    Yes to everything already said! Congratulations! But you know, it feels like you are much farther along than 100! I’ve truly enjoyed seeing the growth of your garden and look forward to seeing more of the inside of your home. Though you only spend weekends there, it is a home – it is clearly loved and cherished.

    • 32

      Thank you Barbara, you have certainly been a loyal follower. I spent the weekend stripping wallpaper in my front parlour, the twelve foot high walls are making it very slow, not to mention the layers!

  17. 33

    Well done on the century.

    My sister, who is a garden designer, tried to convert me a few years back by filling my bookshelf with a number of gardening titles. One that I have used in some small way to get the Master Plan up and running is the John Brookes one. Most of it is beyond me, but at least I found out how to accurately plan my plot!

  18. 35

    Lynn said,

    Congratulations on your beautiful blog! 100 in less than a year, that is amazing.

  19. 37

    Melissa said,

    Well Deborah. What can I say? First of all, many congratulations on that 100-post mark. Like your other readers, I think you set a really high bar in terms of what you write about and your thoughts on design. And thank you so much for mentioning my blog – yesterday I had more visitors than ever and couldn’t figure out why – until I read this post! You are a wonderful presence on Blotanical. I’ve added you to my Google Reader feed because sometimes I don’t have time to stop by Blotanical every day.

    Many, many thanks for everything you do for all of us!

  20. 39

    Congratulations on your 100 postings! I certainly appreciate all the support you have given me. You were the first person to fave my blog. I think the way you reach out to other bloggers has certainly contributed to your success, as well as your great posts. Looking forward to you 1000th post!

  21. 41

    Miranda Bell said,

    Just found your blog via Blotanical – I must admit I joined it ages ago and work just too over not leaving me much time to get out and enjoy all the new blogs out there and realise what I’ve been missing… look forward to following yours over the coming months… Miranda

    • 42

      That is very nice of you Miranda. I know what you mean about work, Valentines Day is on Sunday, and I think that work will leave me no time this week!
      Thanks for visiting, I hope to see you again soon.

  22. 43

    Congratulations! What an accomplishment. As I myself just posted #11, I am most impressed. I’m off to check out the new blogs you recommended – check my latest for pictures of the 4 FEET of snow we’ve got here in Philadelphia. wowie.

  23. 45

    Wendy said,

    cool! You made me check out the number I’m on, and I’m pretty close to 100 as well. That went by fast, didn’t it?

    I have really enjoyed all your posts, and comments as well!

  24. 47

    kimberly said,

    That’s wonderful! Congratulations! I’ve enjoyed MANY of your posts and look forward to 100 more!!!

  25. 49

    Rosie said,

    I’m a bit late getting here but wanted to say congratulations Deborah on reaching that milestone. I always love coming over here – sometimes I’m a little late and everyone else has been commenting a day ahead of me. You have been a great support of mine too since I started Blotanical in December and I just love your home and that incredible back yard of yours – and am looking forward to seeing how you get those folk to use your front door rather than the back door. I’ll see you around from the 15th onwards! Rosie 🙂

    • 50

      Rosie, the whole time zone thing is annoying. I remember when I was living in London, my mum would have to call around four in the afternoon to get ahold of us before we went to bed. She would be doing something, and suddenly realize that she had forgotten to watch the time, and it was six. It would be too late, she used to get most annoyed, lol.

  26. 51

    Autumn Belle said,

    Deborah, Congratulations on your 100th post! A toast for you and may you have the next 100th very soon. I am so glad to know you at Blotanical. Hurray, hurray hurray! 🙂

  27. 53

    Tammy said,

    Congratulations on your 100th post! I have a long way to go to reach that milestone.

    • 54

      Tammy, it comes on fast. I use my blog as my garden journal as well, so I try to make it a habit to post twice a week in the winter and three times a week in the summer.
      Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog and leaving a comment, I hope to see you again.

  28. 55

    noel said,

    aloha deborah

    congratulations on your 100th post, what a milestone, boy thats going to be a ways off for me, happy valentines too, now you get a combo!

  29. 57

    Lynne said,

    Congratulations indeed. What an immense achievement and you should feel very proud. For myself, I thoroughly enjoy reading your blog and watching what is happening in your garden. You’ve inspired me to get out in mine a bit more and I am currently enjoying a new bed I planted now in full flower (it’s summer here) – gaura, miniature daisy, heliotrope, indigo bush, lavender, verbascum – all carefully chosen for their hardiness. And all thanks to you. It was reading your blog that made me stop procrastinating and start digging lol. Thank you 🙂

    • 58

      Lynne, it was a pleasure to get another comment from you. I had wondered if you had given up on me, after all the problems commenting. Did your subscription ever go through? I have since added an email subscription through WordPress as well. Maybe that one would work for you.
      I am so glad that I inspired you to get out and garden. It is a great pleasure to me, even just walking around in the morning with my cuppa, brings me joy.

      • 59

        Lynne said,

        Yes, my subscription finally went through. After several failed attempts I almost gave up and then (cos I’m like that!) gave it another shot and it simply went through. I have no idea why. I did it the same each time. Ah the wonders of technology. How DID we manage before it, I wonder…..?

      • 60

        Sometimes, I think things were a whole lot easier, lol.

  30. 61

    Wow, your 100th post! Congratulations! You are a very talented blogger and I aspire to be just like you!

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