An air of permanence

On Sunday, I visited Wal-mart.  Last weekend, I had spied some very large globe like boxwoods.  They were huge, the next size up from a 2 gallon (whatever size that is) and they were only $19.97.  I had been agonizing over them all week, should I or shouldn’t I.

I made a decision when I went to Loblaws to get groceries. Their boxwoods were tiny and they were $9.00.  Why was I hesitating?  They would give me a air of age to my Lime Walk, since this is only its second summer.


The Before

The Before

You can see in the above picture that my lime trees are leafing out, and the muscari is finished.  The allium foliage is very tatty, I hope that as the hydrangea grow, that will be hidden by foliage.


Already Looking Better

Already Looking Better

 Now that the boxwoods are in, other than a mowing strip, the walk is done.  Now it is up to mother nature and time to complete.  (Unless I change my mind and add a perennial over top of the muscari, nepeta or salvia perhaps), stop me, I am out of control!  Is there a 12 step program for gardeners?


2 Responses so far »

  1. 1

    I found your box and lime walk. Penelope Hobhouse watch out! Looking forward to the year later picture.

    • 2

      I am looking forward to it to Michael. I don’t think that Penelope has anything to worry about, lol. I am a bit worried about the box though, hopefully the snow weight won’t have damaged it.
      Thank you for visiting my blog and leaving a comment, I hope that I see you again soon.

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